About Us
At SK University, we provide quality online higher education using proven learning standards and trained teachers. We prepare students to succeed in real jobs and real business environments.
As an innovative institution, we combine modern delivery with academic diligence to ensure an exceptional quality learning experience. We offer 100% affordable online business master’s and graduate degrees in English and Spanish, as well as student support and services in both languages.
SK University is licensed by the Florida Department of Education under registration number 6006.

Agile, Versatile, Pollinator and Entrepreneur.
In order to train professionals capable of transforming these current realities, it is necessary to break the paradigms of higher education where the proposed model mixes useful, practical training that can be implemented in current contexts with a robust, scientific-academic support that responds to the agility of the transformations that the different business sectors face today.
It’s important
For your to know what defines and motivates us.
At SK University, we provide quality online higher education using proven learning standards and trained teachers. We prepare students to succeed in real jobs and real business environments.
As an innovative institution, we combine modern delivery with academic diligence to ensure an exceptional quality learning experience. We offer 100% affordable online business master’s and graduate degrees in English and Spanish, as well as student support and services in both languages.
SK University provides access to quality education at an affordable cost, in forms and languages that meet students in the world in which they live.
By expanding access to premium higher education, more students can reach their full potential, enhance their careers, benefit their families and communities, while creating a better world.
We envision a world without educational divides, where effort and merit drive success.
SK University is committed to and embedded in traditional values including integrity, respect, inclusion and personal responsibility.
High Level Teachers
SK University President
Co-founder and CEO of the Advanced Entrepreneurship Institute, an institution created together with Juan Claudio Abelló and Hugo Barcelo for and to train, mentor and finance entrepreneurship projects. The IEAvanzado has offices in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Zaragoza), in the US (Miami) and in Colombia (Bogotá).
In addition, he is the founder and owner of the firm Jurado & Asociados Abogados with more than 30 years of experience, specializing in Administrative, Commercial and Labor Law.
Likewise, he is a Specialized Consultant in Renewable Energies, Environment and Territorial Planning, as well as Infrastructure Management for public and private organizations.
Passionate about training as a means to transform the world, he is co-owner of a Nursery School for children from 0-3 years old and co-founder of a chess school where chess training is given to children and adults.
Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), he has innumerable improvement courses and publications on Administrative Law.

Vice president




Student Support
SK University
Come be a part of this opportunity inspired by the creativity, experience, sacrifice and dedication to others of its patron Saint Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941).
SK University is the place for people who want to advance their careers with the knowledge, practice, networking and recognition that a degree can bring.
Explore our programs or request more information to begin your journey.
Maximilian Kolbe
January 8, 1894 – August 14, 1941
Father Maximilian Maria Kolbe was born Rajmund Kolbe to a working-class family. he son of a Polish mother and German father, he attended a trade school as a child and in 1912 moved to Krakow to begin his training as a seminarian. In 1914 he took vows as a monk and in 1915 received a doctorate in philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
Later in 1919 he received a doctorate in theology from St. Bonaventure University and returned to Poland, which had just regained its independence. Understanding the power of the media, he created a magazine to become the voice of the Militia of Mary Immaculate.
At the end of 1920, he convinced the ecclesiastical authorities to allow him to leave for Asia in order to finance missionary centers in Japan, China and India. He left Poland in 1930, accompanied by other Franciscan friars, with no money, no knowledge of Asian languages or culture. Only a month after his arrival in Nagasaki (Japan), he launched the first printing of the Knight of the Immaculate Conception, in Japanese, with a print run of 10,000 copies. Within a few years, circulation tripled and he purchased land for a future monastery and publishing house on the outskirts of the city. The self-funded monastery still exists, as does the Japanese version of his magazine, Seibo no Kishi.
Maximilian Kolbe created and used a unique business model, which has been called the “economy of gratitude” and is still in use today. His magazine was distributed free of charge. For this reason he is considered the patron saint of entrepreneurs, although other groups such as altruistic radio operators, political prisoners and pro-life movements strongly identify with his causes.
State-of-the-art technology helped him spread the Gospel. His printing presses were among the most modern in Europe. Foreseeing the media revolution, Father Kolbe also launched Radio Niepokalanów, which began broadcasting in 1938. In September 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. The German occupation brought persecution and ethnic selection. Most of the friars were ordered to return home and those who remained in place, including Father Kolbe, were arrested, although they were later released.
In February of 1941, the monastery was closed by the Germans and the printing presses were sent to Germany, when it was learned that Jews were being protected there. Father Kolbe and four other monks were arrested and imprisoned in Pawiak prison. In May, he was transferred to Auschwitz, where he died voluntarily, by lethal injection, taking the place of a father of a family who had been imprisoned and condemned. He was beatified by Paul VI on October 17, 1971 and canonized by John Paul II on October 10, 1982.
St. Maximilian Kolbe exemplifies the union of virtue and hard work in extraordinary business and professional achievement.